Needing an Emergency Meridian plumbing contractor that provides quality service? Give us a call!
There are not many places in this world that allow their citizens the following: The right to live, voice their opinions, or the ability to make changes to better their lives and the lives of those around them. In the United States of America that our Constitution has given each of us unalienable rights. Among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. As Americans, we can choose our path, whatever that may be. We have the freedom to work as long and as hard as we want, giving us the ability to achieve our dreams of owning a professional residential and commercial plumbing business in Meridian, Idaho
This opportunity is only available because many brave men and women gave some, while others gave all to defend these rights. May God bless them all. May He bless all those who are currently serving the United States of America. Your service and sacrifice do not go unappreciated by Quality Service Plumbing, Inc.!!!
If you are finding yourself asking why QSP sports the Red, White, and Blue on our uniforms, it is because of FREEDOM. Freedom to achieve our goals, to pursuit our dreams, and the ability choose our path.
We are free! Americans have more freedom than any other country in the world.
Freedom gives us the choice to work towards our dreams and goals.
Opportunity is alive and well in our great country.
Free market allows us to achieve levels of success that can’t be matched anywhere in the world.
Vote, if we don’t like our elected officials our voices can be heard in the polls.
We can protect our family, and we have armed forces that are looking out for our wellbeing. (Police, Fire, Medical, Military, etc.)
Quality of life in America is as good as anywhere in the world and in most cases better.
Death comes to us all, but in America we have the choice to die in comfort.
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